Zero Kelvin
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Storyline Zero Kelvin
Larsen, an aspiring poet in '20s Oslo, leaves his girlfriend to spend a year as a trapper in East Greenland. There he is teamed with a seemingly rough old sailor/trapper, Randbæk, and a scientist, Holm. Trapped in a tiny hut together as the Arctic winter sets in, a complex and intense love/hate relationship develops between Randbæk and Larsen, who are more similar than either would like to admit. A powerful psychological and physical drama set against stunningly bleak Arctic scenery.
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Movie details Zero Kelvin
Release :1995-09-29
Genre :Drama, Thriller
Runtime : 118
Company : Sandrews, Norsk Film
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Lo zero assoluto è la temperatura più bassa che teoricamente si possa ottenere in qualsiasi sistema macroscopico e corrisponde a 0 K (–273,15 °C).
In 1848, Lord Kelvin wrote in his paper, On an Absolute Thermometric Scale, of the need for a scale whereby "infinite cold" (absolute zero) was the scale's null point ...
Products, activities and kits are designed to assist teachers and motivate students through hands-on activities.
Il kelvin (simbolo K, a volte erroneamente indicato con °K) è un'unità di misura della temperatura che appartiene alle sette unità base del Sistema internazionale ...
Unlike some of the other SI units temperature is one of those things that we instinctively have an understanding for. Temperature sensitive nerve endings in our skin ...
O kelvin (símbolo: K) é o nome da unidade de base do Sistema Internacional de Unidades (SI) para a grandeza temperatura termodinâmica. O kelvin é a fração 1/273 ...
Kelvin is a temperature scale designed so that zero degrees K is defined as absolute zero (at absolute zero, a hypothetical temperature, all molecular ...
PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek/Thinkstock. Temperature in a gas can reach below absolute zero thanks to a quirk of quantum physics.
The Kelvin temperature scale was the brainchild of Belfast-born British inventor and scientist William Thomson — also known as Lord Kelvin. It is one of ...
Kelvin, First Baron Title of William Thomson. 1824-1907. British physicist who developed the Kelvin scale of temperature (1848) and supervised the laying of a trans ...
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