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Storyline Remonstrance
"In the late 1950s and early 1960s, while French Left Bank Cinema flourished, parallel movements flowered in other countries; in Norway, the trend enabled director Erik Løchen's career to flourish. Løchen had made The Hunt in 1959, a fascinating, modernist work that paralleled the better-known experiments with cinematic storytelling of Resnais, Godard, Antonioni and others. Løchen returned to feature films in 1972 with an even more radical cinematic experience. The story of a film crew trying to make a political film, Remonstrance brilliantly captures the posing and grandstanding that sometimes accompanies political discussions around correct form in art, but Løchen goes his characters one better. He designed Remonstrance so that its five reels could be shown in any order, rendering 120 possible versions of the film." ~ Film Society of Lincoln Center
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Movie details Remonstrance
Release :1972-01-01
Genre :
Runtime : 97
Company :
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re·mon·strance (rĭ-mŏn′strəns) n. 1. The act of remonstrating. 2. An expression of protest, complaint, or reproof, especially a formal statement of grievances ...
Define remonstrance: a protest or complaint about something — remonstrance in a sentence
Remonstrance definition, an act or instance of remonstrating. See more. ... Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
Synonyms for remonstrance at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
The Five articles of Remonstrance refers to the document drawn up in 1610 by the followers of Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609). A "remonstrance" is literally "an ...
43. The Grand Remonstrance, with the Petition accompanying it. [Presented to the King, December I, 1641. Rushworth, iv. 437. See Hist. of Engl.
Preamble: 1.In the first place we have granted to God, and by this our present charter confirmed for us and our heirs forever that the English Church shall be free ...
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The declaration and Remonstrance of Sir William Berkeley his most sacred Majesties Governor and Captain Generall of Virginia. Sheweth That about the yeare ...
One popular idea is that there exists a distinction between two different modes of relating with the divine or the sacred: religion and spirituality ...
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